Important Notice to All Patients of Holmdel Pediatrics

At Holmdel Pediatrics, our foremost priority is the health and well-being of all our young patients and their families. We are dedicated to providing the highest standard of pediatric care, which includes adhering to scientifically proven medical practices and guidelines set forth by leading health authorities.

As part of our commitment to protecting the health of our patients and the wider community, Holmdel Pediatrics is a pro-vaccine practice. We firmly believe in the effectiveness and safety of vaccines in preventing serious illnesses and saving lives. Vaccination is a critical public health measure that not only protects individuals but also shields our community from outbreaks of vaccine-preventable diseases.

We understand that parents and guardians have the right to make medical decisions for their children. However, it is our policy that all patients follow the recommended vaccination schedules. This policy is in place to safeguard the health of every child and family who walks through our doors, as well as our staff and the broader community.

For Those Who Choose Not to Vaccinate

We respect the right of every family to make informed decisions about vaccination. However, if you are unwilling to vaccinate your child, we regretfully must ask you to find another pediatrician who aligns more closely with your views. This decision is not made lightly but is necessary to maintain the safety and health standards of our practice and our community.

If you have concerns or questions about our vaccination policy, we encourage you to discuss them with your pediatrician. We are here to provide information, support, and guidance on the benefits and safety of vaccines.

For families who decide not to follow the vaccination schedule, we kindly ask that you inform us promptly so we can assist you in transferring your child’s care to another healthcare provider.

Thank You for Your Understanding.